Monday, September 7, 2015

Dear everyone!
This week was so good! Let's be real. Busy and so worth it. 
OLIVIA GOT BAPTIZED! After years of meeting with the missionaries, she finally got baptized. It was such a good day! She couldn't stop smiling. We couldn't stop hugging. And it was just so perfect. Really I don't even want to talk about anything else except how she was baptized. I am very sure she is the very reason Heavenly Father kept me in this area for so long; to witness her baptism. You'll hear a little more about that but I do actually wish to include other items of my week.
Okay so we had a Zone Training this week and it was the most spiritual one I've ever had on my mission. We talked about how in this work we need to "serve Him with all our heart, might, MIND, and strength." It was great because Heavenly Father knew that is what I needed. Great reminder to give it all to Him. Well then we talked about our Zone goal. A general goal we try to hit monthly as a zone is 12 but we all fell impressed to set a specific goal of 13. So we knelt in prayer as a zone and set this goal with Heavenly Fathers stamp of approval. Then it was the cherry on top when Olivia was baptized the next day and was the first to put the goal into motion. So many impressions and so much love from my Father in Heaven. We also talked to the Elders and we all felt impressed that the Cousin family will be baptized this month and we talked about the 26th. Well their mom agreed it was the perfect date! So after we talk to the kids on Tuesday, they will be on date for the end of the month and we are just too excited.
Otherwise my week was very normal. We are half way through the transfer and I can't believe how fast it's going. I'm so ready for general conference. I've thought a plethora of the priesthood this week and I'm so grateful to have a living prophet to lead and guide us. Such a blessing.
My invitation to all is to go back to Aprils conference and re read talks and start preparing now to hear the messages that are prepared for US. I cannot wait!
The mission is great and I just love being a servant of Christ.
Enjoy the photo of the greatest day ever.
"Sister Jordan, it's like ET" "Olivia, you just became my best friend because you know what ET is."
Pray always,
Sister Jordan

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