Monday, June 1, 2015

His Grace

Dear loved ones,
Again each week I find it more difficult to put into words each week about my South Carolina life. This week is incredibly difficult because Im left without words.
I first want to start off with my testimony of divine timing. Everything this week happened exactly when it was right. Because of how dear this week is to my heart, I will forgo why I have a testimony of divine timing but know that I saw tender mercies because of His timing.
So this week I started training my lovely new companion Sister Reinhart. She is from Nampa Idaho and also attended BYU-Idaho. She is pre trained so I really do not know why they have me training her. She is so willing and ready to learn. The thing I love about her most is the relationship she has with her Father in Heaven. I can hear it when we say companionship prayer together. She holds that relationship so dear and I admire her for it so much. The words of reverence and respect she uses is more than amazing. 
We had many tender mercies this week. The one in particular that I would like to tell you about this week. Since yesterday was the end of the month we were at the end of our miles so we decided to track a little and then have our dinner appointment pick us up. After dinner they dropped us off at our car. Right when we got out a lady started yelling towards us of how she had no idea there were "mormon sisters." Anyways, we proceeded to talk to her and she invited us in. Her favorite animal is frogs so we hit it off right away. To the point she loves the Mormon religion she just needs to feel for herself that it is true. It was a beautiful lesson and much needed.
I continue to have a growing testimony of modern day apostles. L. Tom Perry, as many of you know passed away this last week. My heart is so full of love and gratitude when it comes to the leaders of this church. Because of this and different events, Im grateful for the Atonement of Christ and the ability to pray to my Father in Heaven. He has a plan for us.
My invitation to you not just this week, but for the rest of your life, is to seek out those you love and spend time with them before you leave this mortal body. I love you all and God Be With You Until We Meet Again.
Here's a fish for your enjoyment.
Pray always,
Sister Jordan

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