Thursday, January 29, 2015

Hello all! 
Okay first thing first. I do not have access to my blog while I am on my mission. So I am extending an invitation to someone who lives in Reno and is good with computers and familiar with blogs and asking if they would be willing to once a week go over to my home and help my mom with uploading my blog. I would very much appreciate it. My Pdays (days I can email all you wonderful people) will be once a week. Im not sure yet when my next P day will be. Also, I will only be spending my letters out on Pday as well because that is what they have asked of us as missionaries. So dont worry, Im NOT ignoring you. Its called snail mail for a reason :) So yes, if one of my Reno friends can help me out with this, that would be wonderful. Ill give more information next week to this once I see my replys and set you up with talking to my mom. Thank you!
Shout out to My amazing Mom, Ryan Staples, Amberleigh Wheeler Grube, Challen Cluff and Chelsea Warren for taking advantage of dear elder and giving me letters. SO HINT HINT go to and write me a letter, I can only receive them this way until the19th.

Lets get all the goofy stuff out of the way. So first, at home I would always say "Its a Cassie thing" I have now transitioned into saying "Its a Sister Jordan thing." My sisters have learned of my "you" jokes and love them. OKAY so the third day I was here, I was so excited to write in my journal and that hit my foot on another sisters suitcase. Swelled up right away and was black the next morning. I went to the nurse and there told me... I BROKE my toe. Seriously who does that?! Leave it up to me to break something on a suitcase. I laughed about it. So for youre wonderful people's enjoyment I have included a picture of my foot, about 20 minutes after I hit it. 
I want to get stuff out of the way first because for my blog I want the Spirit to be present as people read it. 

Okay so this will be my "blog" for the week.  I am asking all of you, if you never read a single email from me again, I ask that you read the rest of this one. I ask that you really focus on what your feelings and thoughts are as you are reading about this wonderful experience I am having. OKAY LETS GET STARTED!
The Missionary Training Center is ridiculously crazy. The Spirit here is amazing and I truly know now this is where Heavenly Father wants me for the next 18 months of my life. The blessings and miracles I have already seen are incredible. My district have 4 elders and 4 sisters. I cannot even describe how much I love them and the amazing potential they have shown in being extraordinary missionaries. We are all headed to South Carolina on Tuesday the 20th, with the exception of one sister who is serving in Salem, Oregon and is leaving the day after. I am the oldest in my district and have gained the title "Sister Mama Jordan". Every day, my districts tells me how I have the ability to be motherly and get everyone back on track to the things we need to be doing. I love these people with all my heart and am excited to start this adventure with them. My companion is Sister McMullens. She is from Fremont, California and is wonderful. Ive truly been blessed again to be with a sister 24/7 that I get along with and have learned most everything there is know about each other. She has been such an example to me and has helped me grown so much.
Okay so now the reason why I am here. I am here to teach people that Jesus Christ is our Savior and that His gospel has been restored in these Latter Days. We have three investigators while we have been in the MTC and its been humbling. First there is Olivia. She is so spunky and says once she knows the gospel is true, she would be the first to be baptized. But has told us she hasnt learned for herself yet. We then have Jamie. Jamie is slowly progressing but wants to learn more. She asks many questions in which my companion and I definitely have to rely on the Spirit to guide us. Lastly there is Mina. I have grown to love all my investigators but I have a special spot in my heart for Mina. She has accepted our invitation to follow the example of Jesus Christ and be baptized. She loves to learn and you can see the light of Christ in her eyes. Teaching is an incredible experience. I cant wait to get into the mission field and teach more people about the knowledge I have and share with them the truth that I know to be real.
Its crazy how much you learn and I cant even express that enough. The first real lesson we taught, I FORGOT TO START WITH A PRAYER. Who does that?! Lesson learned. 
My dear family and friends, I know this gospel is true with all my heart. I know Christ Atoned for our sins so that we may be forgiven. I love my Savior so much ask all of you who are wondering about the gospel of Jesus Christ to ask me through emails. Seek out the missionaries in Reno or wherever you are. Trust me they are there! Ive meant plenty of them. And most importantly, ask your Father in Heaven in Prayer. He loves you so much. I love you so much. God be with you Until we meet Again.
P.S. Gotta have my lime green with me ;)
Pray always,
Sister Jordan

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