Monday, March 2, 2015

Hello my family and friends!
Boy has it been a long week or what?! So much has happened so bear with me through this email because it will be longer. This week has been one of the most stressful weeks yet, but I have seen so many tender mercies. This week has opened my eyes even more of how thankful I am for my parents back home and the life Ive been blessed with. I never knew how much I really had. So Lets get started!
I have finished my first transfer in South Carolina! I cant believe how fast time is flying. So I serve in Goose Creek as you all know but because the area is so big, we have half and then a set of elders have the other half. Though our area is Goose Creek, we live in North Charleston. Well guess what, Sister Regen and I have been assigned the ENITRE area! Super exciting which also means we get to move apartments! We are moving in the Elders old apartment. Super exciting but the most exciting part is that there are NO COCKROACHES! I was dancing for joy last night when we found this out. As a person, Ive never been super scared of anything. Sure there were things I didn't like but once I truly discovered living with cockroaches is normal in South Carolina, I became scared. I am not afraid to admit that. A dumb cockroach is my kryptonite. I hate them so much! My hopefully LAST story about them happened at 4 in the morning on Friday. And because everyone was sleeping, I could even scream so I cried instead. Yes, tears were shed because of a dumb bug. Anyways no more roaches, Im one happy missionary.
So Im not getting transferred but I do get to move to a nicer place! SWEET! :)
I caught my first Skenk this week. I don't remember if I told you what it was but its  lizard with a snake head. Way cool and I love catching them! :)
Spiritual time!
We have been teaching an 11 year old named Olivia and she comes from a home where her dad is in rehab, and her mom isn't a big part of her life. She struggles and has had to grown up. As we taught her this week, I just gained such a greater appreciation for my parents. I was blessed to have had them both by my side to support me in all that I went through and all that I will go through. I will never forget the love they have shown me. I cant even express my gratitude to my Father in Heaven for blessing me with them. I wish only that others were as fortunate as I. But ultimately that is why the gospel is so crucial to everyones lives. It gives them all an opportunity to have that same love.
We taught our new investigator Tristalee and her daughter Jordan. I love them so much! she is a single mom who doesn't know if God exists and wants to know. Jordan is 8 and loves learning about the church. She loves asking questions and we love feeling the Love of our Savior in answering them.
We were able to also help in a soup kitchen type environment this week. It was one of the most humbling experiences Ive ever had. I got to talk to people about their lives and give them food. Seeing people come to a shelter of such and put the food we gave them in a suitcase they carry around made my heart break. I could never imagine living in way where I didn't know if I would have a meal the next day. Im humbled to live the life I have. The experience is one that Ill never forget. Sister Regen and I want to go back every Wednesday and help these people. There lives are less than fortunate but to see how much faith they have in God is unbelievable. They love God despite their circumstances. Again Im so grateful for the blessings Ive received in my life.
That's all for this week. When you go on a mission, your eyes are really opened to how much you are indebted to the Lord. He owes you nothing yet He is ready to give you it all. We ran low on miles this week. And we prayed so hard on Saturday that He would give us a way where we wouldn't go over our miles. A member called us an asked if we wanted a ride that night. Prayer answered. The miles we are given to drive is to preach His gospel. They are His. Im so grateful to be in South Carolina. He has been preparing me for years to be here and I love it.
Challenge to you all this week: Say a prayer of Gratitude to your Father in Heaven. Don't ask for anything but tell Him all that you are thankful for. Its amazing when you realize what He has really blessed you with. I love you all and God be with You Til we Meet Again.
Pray always,
Sister Jordan

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